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과목코드 MM529/629/729
교수 Jong Hun Joo

Winter 2017/Pasadena




MM529/629/729:  LEADING GOD’S PEOPLE IN WORSHIP (4 Units: 160 hours). Jong Hun Joo



DESCRIPTION: This course is of leadership in Christian worship. Leading the congregation in worship has been a crucial task for Christian ministers, pastors, and missionaries in relation to shaping people’s life as well as practices of worship. This course will provide the participants with theologically sound and culturally relevant approaches to leading Christian worship both in local churches and mission fields. The major topics of this course are 1) biblical, 2) theological, 3) historical, 4) cultural, and 5) missional understanding and practice of leading Christian worship.


LEARNING OUTCOMES: Having successfully completed this course, students will have demonstrated the ability (1) to articulate an understanding of Christian worship in theological and cultural perspectives; (2) to gain appropriate skills in planning, organizing, and leading the service of worship in relation to formation of the congregation; (3) to implement leadership skills in formative functions of worship for the congregations in local churches and mission fields.


COURSE FORMAT:  This class will meet for one week intensive for eight-hour sessions for a total of 40 instructional hours in the classroom for lecture and group discussion including 8 hours of instruction online using Directed Learning Activities (DLAs) since the first day of class is national holiday. The class will include lectures, large and small group discussions, and videos from “expert witnesses.”


REQUIRED READING: 1,691 pp. of required reading.

Anderson, Herbert and Edward Foley. 예배와 목회상담(Mighty Stories, Dangerous Rituals). 학지사, 2012. ISBN: 9788963309484, Pub. Price 14,000 won [338 pages assigned]

Cherry, Constance. 예배건축가(Worship Architect).  CLC, 2015. ISBN:9788934114277, Pub. Price: 25,000 Won [520 pages]

Joo, Jong Hun. 기독교 예배와 세계관(Christian Worship and Worldview: Understanding and Practice of Christian Worship for Life Formation). 워십리더미디어, 2014. ISBN: 978-1195188918, Pub. Price 14,000 won [224 pages assigned].

__________.예배, 역사에서 배우다(Worship: Historical Lessons on Christian Worship).  세움북스, 2015.  ISBN:9791195290895, Pub. Price: 12,000won [248 pages assigned]

Korean Association of Practical Theology. 복음주의 예배학(Evangelical Theology of Worship). 요단, 2001.  ISBN: Pub Price 12,000Won [326 pages assigned]

Plantinga, Cornelius and Sue Rozeboom.  진정한 예배를 향한 열망 (Discerning the Spirits: A Guide to Thinking about Christian Worship Today). 그리심, 2006. ISBN: