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과목코드 ML570/670/MK770
교수 SoongChan Rah

Fall 2016/Pasadena



ML570/670/MK770: PASTORAL LEADERSHIP in Complex Ethnic Contexts (다문화목회리더십)

Soong-Chan Rah.


This course is an examination of the nature of Christian leadership in the complex context of the immigrant and ethnic church. Pastoral ministry requires a wide range of abilities and the application of a range of ministry tools. Leadership in the immigrant and ethnic church requires wisdom that combines valid theories, accurate knowledge, critical values, relevant skills, and practical experience. This course will introduce aspects of effective leadership such as systems thinking, non-anxious leadership, change management, cross-cultural competency, congregational learning, assessment, and holistic formation as they relate to clergy leading the church.


Articulate a practical theology of Christian leadership in the immigrant and ethnic church, which is grounded in the theological and social sciences.

Develop a personal and ministry self-awareness and identity to provide effective pastoral leadership.

Embody a ministerial identity committed to caring for the spiritual formation of the self, individuals, and communities;

Engage diversity and exhibit growth towards inter-cultural competence for ministry reflective of God’s global redemptive work.

Demonstrate vision and growing capacity to excel in leadership for God’s mission.

COURSE FORMAT: One-week intensive course meeting five consecutive days for eight hours for the week of October 17th. The class combines lectures, class discussions, case studies, and group projects to facilitate learning.

REQUIRED READING: A minimum of 1200 pages total is achieved through reading from the required texts. Please select your additional reading in the area of leadership that is applicable to your particular ministry context.


피터센게, 학습하는조직: 오래도록살아남는기업에는어떤특징이있는가, 에이지21, 2014, ISBN: 9788998342142, 가격: 28,000원. [588쪽]

피터스카지로, 정서적으로건강한교회: 온전한크리스천으로변화시키는 7가지제자훈련, 두란노, 2016, ISBN: 9788953124516, 가격: 18,000원 [384쪽]

Rah, Soong-Chan. The Next Evangelicalism: Freeing the Church from Western Cultural Captivity. InterVarsity Press, 2009. ISBN: 978-0830833603, Pub. price $17 [228pp.]. 이책에서번역된장들 (Introduction, 1장, 2장, 6장)

오브리맬퍼스, 비전을넘어핵심가치로, 요단, 2000, ISBN: 9788935004409, 가격: 8,000원 [272쪽] or Rah, Soong-Chan. Prophetic Lament: A Call for Justice in Troubled Times. IVP Books, 2015. ISBN: 978-0830836949, Pub. price $17 [224pp.].

존퍼킨스, 정의를강물처럼, 대장간, 2012, ISBN: 9788970712482, 가격: 12,000원 [320쪽] - Additional reading for only DMin Students

900쪽분량의다문화목회리더십혹은자신의기말페이퍼와연관된책들독서 - Additional reading for only DMin Students


Hall, Douglas with Judy Hall and Steve Daman. The Cat and the Toaster: Living System Ministry in a Technological Age. Wipf & Stock, 2010. ISBN: 978-1608992706, Pub.price $45 [390pp.].

Park, Sydney, Soong-Chan Rah, and Al Tizon, eds. Honoring the Generations: Learning with Asian North American Congregations. Judson, 2012. ISBN: 978-0817017064, Pub.price $20 [224 pp.].

Rah, Soong-Chan. The Next Evangelicalism: Freeing the Church from Western Cultural Captivity. InterVarsity Press, 2009. ISBN: 978-0830833603, Pub.price $17 [228pp.].

-----. Prophetic Lament: A Call for Justice in Troubled Times. IVP Books, 2015. ISBN: 978-0830836949, Pub.price $17 [224pp.].


  1. 출석, 참여도, 독서과제완료 (10 %)

  2. 500자독서보고서 2개 [MA], 3개 [ThM], 4개 [DMin] (20%)

  3. Korean의정체성혹은 Korean-American의정체성이반영된사역경험 Reflection paper 2개 – 각 500-750자씩 (Moodle에올릴것) (20%)

  4. 기말페이퍼 – 이민상황과민족적배경에관련된리더십과신학에관하여 (50%)


Arbinger Institute. Leadership and Self-Deception (Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2000).

Berger, Peter and Thomas Luckmann. The Social Construction of Reality (Doubleday, 1967).

Boggs, Grace Lee. Living for Change (University of Minnesota Press, 1998).

Branson, Mark Lau and Juan Martinez. Churches, Cultures and Leadership (IVP Academic, 2011).

Cahalan, Kathleen. Introducing the Practice of Ministry (Liturgical Press, 2010).

Cannon, Mae, Lisa Sharon Harper, Troy Jackson, and Soong-Chan Rah. Forgive Us: Confessions of a Compromised Faith(Zondervan, 2014).

Cha, Peter, Steve Kang, and Helen Lee, editors. Growing Healthy Asian-American Churches (InterVarsity Press, 2006).

Chan, Simon. Spiritual Theology (InterVarsity Press, 1998).

Charry, Ellen. By the Renewing of Your Minds (Oxford, 1997).

Chow, Rey. The Protestant Ethnic and the Spirit of Capitalism (Columbia, 2002).

Ecklund, Elaine Howard. Korean American Evangelicals (Oxford, 2006).

Elizondo, Virgilio. Galilean Journey: The Mexican-American Promise (Orbis, 2007).

Emerson, Michael and Christian Smith. Divided by Faith (Oxford, 2000).

Fong, Kenneth Uyeda. Pursuing the Pearl (Judson Press, 1999).

Friedman, Edwin. Generation to Generation (The Guilford Press, 1985).

Gee, Tracey and Nikki A. Toyama, eds. More Than Serving Tea (InterVarsity Press, 2006).

Hall, Douglas with Judy Hall and Steve Daman. The Cat and the Toaster (Wipf & Stock, 2010).

Hansen, David. The Art of Pastoring (InterVarsity Press, 1994).

Holland, Joe and Peter Henriot. Social Analysis (Orbis Books, 1980).

Jacobson, Matthew Frye. Barbarian Virtues (Hill and Wang, 2000).

Jennings, Willie. The Christian Imagination (Yale, 2010).

Jeung, Russell. Faithful Generations (Rutgers University Press, 2005).

Kabri, Nazli. Becoming Asian American (The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002).

Katongole, Emmanuel. Mirror to the Church (Zondervan, 2009).

Kim, Daniel H. Introduction to Systems Thinking (Pegasus Communication, 1999).

Kim, Matthew. Seven Lessons for New Pastors (Chalice Press, 2012).

Kim, Rebecca. The Spirit Moves West (Oxford, 2015).

Kim, Sharon. A Faith of Our Own (Rutgers University Press, 2010).

Law, Eric. The Wolf Shall Dwell with the Lamb (Chalice Press, 1993).

Lee, Chang Rae. Native Speaker (Riverhead , 1995).

Lee, Erika. The Making of Asian America (Simon & Schuster, 2015).

Lee, Jung Young. Marginality: The Key to Multicultural Theology (Fortress Press, 1995).

Malphurs, Aubrey. Values-Driven Leadership (Baker, 2004).

Matsuoka, Fumitaka. Out of Silence (United Church Press, 1995).

Min, Pyong Gap, ed. Second Generation (AltaMira Press, 2002).

Newcomb, Steven. Pagans in the Promised Land (Fulcrum, 2008).

Park, Andrew. Racial Conflict and Healing (Orbis, 1996).

Park, Sydney, Soong-Chan Rah, and Al Tizon. Honoring the Generations (Judson, 2012).

Rah, Soong-Chan. The Next Evangelicalism (InterVarsity Press, 2009).

-----. Many Colors (Moody Press, 2010).

-----. Prophetic Lament (InterVarsity Press, 2015).

Rah, Soong-Chan and Gary VanderPol (Brazos, 2016).

Said, Edward. Orientalism (Vintage Books, 1979).

Scazerro, Peter. The Emotionally Healthy Church. (Zondervan, 2003).

Senge, Peter M. The Fifth Discipline (Doubleday, 1990).

Shawchuck, Norman & Roger Heuser. Managing the Congregation (Abingdon, 1996).

Steinke, Peter. Congregational Leadership in Anxious Times (The Alban Institute, 2006).

-----. Healthy Congregations: A Systems Approach (The Alban Institute, 2006).

Takaki, Ronald. A Different Mirror (Little, Brown and Company, 1993).

-----. Strangers from a Different Shore (Back Bay, 1989).

Toyama, Nikki A. and Tracy Gee, editors. More Than Serving Tea (InterVarsity, 2006).

Tokunaga, Paul. Invitation to Lead (InterVarsity Press, 2003).

Truax, Laura Sumner. Undone: When Coming Apart Puts You Back Together (IVP Books, 2013).

Tuan, Mia. Forever Foreigner or Honorary Whites? (Rutgers University Press, 1998).

Twiss, Richard. One Church Many Tribes (Regal Books, 1979).

Van Opstal, Sandra. The Next Worship (InterVarsity Press, 2016).

Villafañe, Eldin. The Liberating Spirit (Eerdmans, 1993).

Warner, Stephen and Judith Wittner, editors. Gatherings in Diaspora (Temple University Press, 1998).

Wells, Samuel. Improvisation: The Drama of Christian Ethics (Brazos Press, 2004).

Willhauk, Susan and Jacqulyn Thorpe, The Web of Women’s Leadership (Abigdon Press, 2001).

Woodley, Randy. Shalom and the Community of Creation (Eerdmans, 2012).

Wu, Frank. Yellow (Basic, 2002).

Yang, Fenggang. Chinese Christians in America (Penn State University Press, 1999).

Yong, Amos. The Future of Evangelical Theology (InterVarsity Press, 2014).

NOTE: This ECD is a reliable guide to the course design but is subject to modification. Textbook prices are set by publishers and are subject to change.